
84. The Adventures Of Batman And Robin

(SNES, Konami, 1994)
(This writing concerns the SNES version, the Sega version was different)
Some people have recently stated that Batman: Arkham Asylum is most definitely their game of the year, whilst I'm not sure I can agree with that, I'm convinced it's one of the best Batman games ever made, that however, is no mean feat.
Despite numerous incarnations and a wealth of material to draw upon, the Batman franchise has repeatedly failed to capture the essence of The Dark Knight, with various games ranging from damn crappy to God awful.

In my mind, Until Arkham, Ive only really enjoyed two Batman games ever, Batman the Movie on the Spectrum and our topic today. Based on the fantastic animated series from the early 90's, Batman and Robin is a side scrolling platform action adventure, featuring combat and a few logic puzzles.
Each level is based on an episode from the TV show and features a member of Gotham's rogue of maniacal criminal underworld. After receiving his mission, Batman must select tools he considers appropriate for the job then head into certain danger, facing a variety of henchmen, booby traps, murderous robots and eventually, the all-star culprit responsible, usually one of Batman's most famous foes. King Tut does not make an appearance, funny that.

BaR is a cool game, with art and animation that remains faithful to the television show (A tough task, considering the show's quality) an authentic soundtrack and some interesting uses of Mode 7.
The game is fairly straightforward, it doesn't do anything new or set the world on fire, but it is fun to play and a definite must for Batman fans. Despite the title, Robin barely appears in the game and there is no two player mode which is pretty odd. My girlfriend Poison Ivy appears which is a major bonus for me but on the downside there is no appearance by the absolute deadliest of Batman's foes:
Arkham Asylum is a step in the right direction for Batman games, whilst fanboys still crave the "GTA: Gotham City" sandbox concept, they can at least take heart that although many games featuring the Batfriends are lacking, there are a few that can momentarily fill their Dark Knight gaming needs.

Basically put, "The Adventures of Batman and Robin" is Christian Bale to "Batman: Vengeance" Val Kilmer.

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