
-- Back Drop Driver -- Now 37% more bitter!

"This time, ALL the rules have changes"
See that quote? Yeah, it reads like a tagline from a street-dance movie, but it is pretty apt regarding the fate of Back Drop Driver leading into the new year.

When I wrote my list of 100 Games, I had very little else to do fo' sho' and it was a wonderful way of killing time, doing something creative AND shoving my ill-informed opinions in peoples faces.
Last year that changed very quickly and essentially boring "real-life" chores got in the way of my constant, never-fail, daily updates. This was depressing to me.
I found myself having to squeeze in entries whenever I could and was generally never happy with the results which thus lead to even more procrastination, all of which resulted in me barely updating the place at all.
In order to realistically set myself time and targets, it looks like I'm going to have to change the way I do things.

I hope my few loyal readers will continue to visit here, I may be just another online-opinionated-wannabe-journalist-guy, but where else can you go for my own exclusive brand of overwrought whining and bad grammar?

Nowhere motherfucker.

Welcome back to Back Drop Driver.

-Johnny Beatdown

1 comment:

natedammit said...

It's all good, my list of '17 Quite Nice Cheeses' has really fallen by the wayside recently.