“The average is the borderline that keeps mere men in their place. Those who step over the line are heroes by the very act.. Go.”
- Henry Rollins
The concept of being able to do something, anything to help out any person in trouble or danger is one I'm hugely into.
A lot of people face various forms of oppression daily, sometimes through bullying or abuse at work, school or home, random violent attacks in the street, or simply when walking home and some stranger feels the need to spout off insults just to big themselves up.
Life is hard enough without having to constantly defend yourself from the rich, powerful, aggressive or just simply rude individuals that put my faith in your race at an all time low.
I do what I can to help others, it makes me feel better about myself, but I'm yet to take some kind of insanity fuelled vigilante stand...
..not yet, anyway.
So the following represents Gaming Heroes, a wide variety of videogame characters all essentially on the side of the good and true. Whilst each and every one of them may have his or her own honest or shady way of going about their business, some could even be considered anti-heroes, You can be safe in the knowledge that the completion of their tasks will essentially be in the name of justice.
Through them, we could be defending the innocent, punishing the guilty, gaining deserved revenge, rescuing the helpless and making the world a safer place, either for one individual or the entire known universe.
They are the imaginary characters who are free to do the right thing without the restrictions of fear and red-tape. They offer an important escape from a world where the an obsession on "rights" makes it a dangerous place to even defend yourself and others from the scumbags who would do us harm.
And while reading, never forget that heroes aren't fairytale, they exist in our world and are called into action across the globe each and every day. We are all the heroes of our own lives, but the real heroes will also a part of somebody else's.
Enjoy, and as always, feel free to comment.
Whilst I have tried to avoid discussing games from the last year or so, I cannot make ANY guarantees that any entries will be spoiler free. I will avoid spoilers only if I can without compromise.
I'm looking forward to this. It sounds like you have an interesting concept of what it takes to be a hero. Unfortunately, there aren't a great number of games (that I know of) that push these boundaries. Even games that boast outcomes that depend upon the player's moral choices tend to have a very simplistic black and white view of right and wrong. I'm thinking of Fable, and even Mass Effect's morality system isn't very sophisticated.
Simply put, It's a list of videogame characters who are either on the side of good or just against bad, with a few characters who simply help other people out.
There will be a selection of anti-heroes and individuals whose hearts may not be in the right place, but are still iconic and loved by fans.
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